Tips for Pain Awareness Month

The month of September has been declared Pain Awareness Month. Pain Awareness Month is a time when various organizations work to raise public awareness of issues in the area of pain and pain management.

The first Pain Awareness Month was in 2001, when the ACPA led a coalition of groups to establish September as Pain Awareness Month. ACPA established Partners for Understanding Pain and 80 organizations, both health care professionals and consumer groups, including the NAACP, supported the effort.

September is the time to raise awareness about living with chronic pain, and it’s a great time to brush up on your self-care skills. Self-care is a large part of better pain management. Here are a few tips to try:

  • Make time for relaxation. Whether that means booking a massage or manicure, or taking the day off to read or catch up on a show, make sure that you regularly give yourself some time to unwind and engage in relaxing activities.

  • Do deep breathing exercises daily. Consider it both exercise and relaxation, but definitely make it a priority for 5 minutes each day and night.

  • Get to know your healthcare team. A successful pain management plan includes open communication with your healthcare professionals. Take time each month to talk to your doctor, your pharmacist, and any nurses or therapists to discuss your current treatment, progress and goals. Ask questions as soon as they arise.

  • Get educated on medication safety. There’s been a lot of stories in the news about pain relievers. Make sure you know the names and dosages of your prescriptions, how to store them properly, and what to do in case of an overdose, as well as how to minimize medication errors.

What questions do you have about pain management? Our friendly staff and pharmacists are happy to help you find relief and support your treatment plan. Stop by the pharmacy today!