6 Tips for Weight Loss Awareness Month
Did you know that January is weight loss awareness month? Considering that most of us resolve to lose weight each new year, it probably shouldn’t be a surprise. Yet our busy lives, work, and life with kids can all make weight loss seem impossible.
This month, resolve to adopt a handful of tips to help you more easily lose excess pounds:
Get better sleep.
Study after study confirms that skimping on sleep can raise hormones that help expand your waistline.
Eat breakfast.
While research has returned mixed results, many people seem to find themselves feeling more in control of their diet and cravings when they eat a balanced breakfast, as opposed to skipping it altogether.
Drink more water.
There are a variety of ways to accomplish this, such as carrying a jug of water with you or drinking a full glass before each meal. The point remains that if you carry excess weight, you most likely aren’t consuming enough H2O.
Forget dieting.
We all hear this one a lot, but few of us take it seriously. If we want to enjoy lasting weight loss, we need to make lasting lifestyle changes, rather than sticking to a temporary diet.
Pare down your menu.
For many of us prone to gaining weight, variety is a downfall. Do yourself a favor and try limiting your choices to a smaller variety of healthy foods, and you will most likely find yourself overeating less.
Wear a pedometer.
Many people overlook this easy “step.” These little gadgets can really help us be more mindful and intentional about our daily activity and, over time, the extra steps we take can add up to big losses.