5 Summer Safety Tips for Seniors

Did you know that for seniors, the heat and sun of summertime can be dangerous? Check out our tips to ensure a fun and safe summer:

Seniors are more susceptible to dehydration because they lose their ability to conserve water with age, they may be less aware of their thirst, and have more difficulty adjusting to changes in temperature. Seniors should drink water often, and pack water or electrolyte drinks for long drives.

Keeping Cool
Seniors are vulnerable to the harmful effects of heat, because their bodies don’t adjust well to sudden temperature changes. Some medical conditions and medications may also impair the body’s ability to react to rising temperatures. Public spaces like shopping malls, theaters and libraries provide cool environments if a senior’s home isn’t air conditioned.

Checking In
Seniors should always let friends and family know when they’ll be spending an extended period of time outdoors in the summer. Likewise, caregivers should check in on the welfare of their elders at least twice a day.

Dress Appropriately
Seniors must take care to dress for the weather. Natural fabrics like cotton may feel cooler than synthetic fibers. Make sure you have enough light-colored and loose-fitting clothing to help you feel more cool and comfortable.

Eye Protection
Vision loss is common among seniors, and exposure to the sun can cause further damage. Wear sunglasses to help protect your eyes from harmful UV rays and preserve your vision.